

The Parish Council currently has two Councillor vacancies available.   If anyone is interested in the vacancies please contact the Clerk for further details or to express an interest.   The closing date for the vacancies is Friday 6th September 2024.  The advert for the vacancies is published on the Parish Council Notice Boards.


Finningley Parish Council wishes to address the issue of peacocks in our village.  While we understand that opinions are split amongst our residents regarding these magnificent birds it is essential to clarify our role and limitations.

The Parish Council does not hold statutory powers to manage or control the peacocks. Our responsibilities extend to various local matters but wildlife management falls outside our purview.

If residents are experiencing nuisance due to peacocks DEFRA have advised us they should seek advice from the pest control department at the City of Doncaster Council as they have the necessary expertise and authority to deal with wildlife related issues.

We appreciate your understanding and encourage open dialogue within our community. Let’s continue to cherish our vibrant village while respecting the delicate balance between nature and human habitation.

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Welcome to the Finningley Parish Council website.

Finningley Parish Council are currently meeting on the third Tuesday of each month commencing at 6pm in the Pavilion off Lindley Road, Finningley.  Please see the published agendas by clicking the ‘Notices’ tab above, for more details.

Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings. We will publish the next agenda three working days before the meeting on this website, in the village notice boards and on social media.  Please peruse the guidance notes relating to public participation.

We have a number useful resources throughout this site to help you. Please use the links above to find out more about the council, who your councillors are and the latest minutes and agenda.

Tennis Season

This year’s tennis season will start on the 2nd April 2024.  Family passes for the Tennis Courts can be purchased from the Post Office.   Please click on the link to the poster for further details.

Meeting Calendar and Minutes

We have already incorporated an archive of the Council minutes from meetings January 2011 onwards and will continue to upload the latest dates and minutes from all the Council meetings onto this site.

We use the News and Events column to keep you informed about local information and other items which we think are important for you to know. The column also includes details about what’s happening in the area and we encourage the organisers of events to let us know, using the contact form, so we can provide further publicity for your activities.

Who are we?

For a detailed list of all current members, please visit the councillors page.

Council Responsibilities

• The Council regularly meet to discuss local issues
• Support and encourage ongoing community engagement initiatives
• Maintain devolved assets at a local level
• Support the economic diversity and prosperity of the village
• Review planning applications and make comment as appropriate

Council Meetings

No meetings are currently scheduled for this month